Installation guide

How do I set it up?

You can install NXTfusion either from the bitbucket ( repo or from our pypi package (

In either ways, we recommend to follow these steps:

First, set up a dedicated conda environment, to avoid problems with existing softwares.

Enter the environment by typing: conda activate nxtfusion

Install from git repo

If you want to install NXTfusion from this repo, you need to install the dependencies first.

Install pytorch >= 1.0 with the command: conda install pytorch -c pytorch or refer to pytorch website Install the remaining requirements with the command: conda install scipy numpy multipledispatch You can remove this environment at any time by typing: conda remove -n nxtfusion --all

Install from pip

If you want to install it via Pypi, just add pip to your conda environment: conda install pip

and then just type: pip install nxtfusion

and all the required dependencies will be installed automatically. Congrats, you’re ready to rock!

Install from conda